Main Acitvity:
"College for Decarbonized Community Development" Workshop

In 2022, I became a certified facilitator for decarbonized community development. Since then, I have held workshops called "College for Decarbonized Community Development" that utilizes card games.
This "College for Decarbonized Community Development " has been held all over the country to solve climate crisis and promote decarbonization of regions and companies. Every meeting is lively and provides participants with various personal realizations and learnings.
For me, this is an activity necessary to create a world where people can keep on acting with grit and grind beyond 2100.
I appreciate and welcome if companies, sports teams, schools, NPOs, and civic groups are interested in this event and organize one for them. This game-type event must be fun and exciting, and present you with important things your organization, your child, and your own future.

Colleges I have held (open workshop for ordinary citizens)

Dec. 4th, 2022 (Sun) at GarrawayF

Apr. 17th, 2023 (Mon) at Asumin

Other Main SDGs Activities

”Carbon Neutral 2050” workshop event (Nov. 2022, Jan. 2023)
“Regional Revitalization” workshop event (Mar. 2022, etc.)
“SDGs 2030” workshop event (Mar. 2019, etc.)
“SDGs Outside-in” workshop event (Aug. 2019, Jan. 2020)
Dazaifu SDGs Walking workshop event (Apr. 2023)
TEDxFUKUOKA ”Countdown: Climate Resilience” (Dec. 2022)