We Support theSustainable Development Goals

Our aim is to develop services for saving opportunities from the climate crisis. In parallel, to tackle climate crisis, we are going to practice approaches to decarbonization and SDGs through workshops and card games.
The fundamental goal is to save the global environment where high school baseball players can enjoy and endeavor in the Koshien summer baseball tournament, and to protect activities and opportunities of various athletes and essential workers who make their best efforts in challenging environments.

Simulation of Dehydration Amount

Water connects the environment and your health

The basic of hydration is to supplement the dehydrated amount, which delicately fluctuates in accordance with weather condition and your activity.
I developed a simulation for forecasting this through my own experiments. Please feel free to access this site and try.

Activities I am seeking for

Adaptation Strategy

Hydration Management System

The final resort to save your opportunity of activity is hydration, that is to say, water. From this standpoint, we are developing hydration management tool "hydcast" that works in accordance with weather and your activity.

Mitigation Strategy

Promotions of Decarbonized Community Making and SDGs

In 2022, I became a facilitator for decarbonized community building and held two workshops called “College for Decarbonized Community Building” that utilize a card game.
From later on, I’m going to extend this “College for Decarbonized Community Building” for businesses, schools and citizens.

My "Note" Articles

”Note” is a kind of Japanese media platform. I've written multiple articles on this note. The articles include fields like MLB, global environment, economic, city/community building and business. There is no specifically fixed genre, and some artilcle are composed from multiple fields mentioned above. Please enjoy if you can read Japanese or use some automatic translation.

How about joining or collaborating with me?

I am seeking a social startup focusing on “sports climate tech”. However, I have not organized my team yet, and what I seek cannot be achieved by only myself, frankly speaking.
If you want to contribute to creating the sustainable future of “Sports × Global Environmen × SDGs”, please do not hesitate to contact me. I welcome both individuals and enterprises, and especially appreciate those who meet at least one of the conditions hereunder.

>Interested in sports business
>Interested in global environment and climate crisis
>Having high consciousness in health care
>Interested in global business expansion

>Those who are well acquainted with sports tech
>Conditioning coaches of sports teams or those who have this experience
>UI designers

We support the Sustainable Development Goals