Takayuki Shimakura
t_shimaku_nyy@ybb.ne.jp | |
takayuki.shimakura | |
takayukishimakura |
【What I want to create】
Society Protecting Endevours, Challenges, Contributions and Gratitudes beyond 2100
-To Save your Dreams and Opportunities from Climate Crisis in Beautiful and Cool Ways-
【What I can do else】
Translation (English and Japanese)
Researches and Simulations of Economics and Real Estate
Writing (Sports, Environment, SDGs, Community/City Development…)
【My career and feature】
Birthplace: Imizu-City(former Sinminato-City), Toyama, Japan
Living in Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, Japan
Hobby: Sports (Especially Baseball (MLB, NPB, WBC), Rugby)
Interest: Startup, Sports Business, Sports Tech, SDGs, ESG, Climate Crisis, Environment,
Community/City Development
Passed in the first “SDGs Examination” (by Japanese Professionals Association for Promotion of SDGs) (2019)
Member of Sports Business Academy “THE BASE”
Long Experience in Urban Planning, Economic Research and Asset Evaluation
Experience as a Secretariat Member of International Conference Organized by UN-Habitat
Master of Engineering in Urban Engineering March, 1996
Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan
Authorized Facilitator for Decarbonized Community (2022)
My Dissertation for Master's Degree:
Research for International Sports Events and Urban Development
--How developments of Olympic /athletes villages have been incorporated
into urban fringe development plans--
(Presented at a Conference of The City Planning Institute of Japan)
In 2017 and 2023, I made pitches and exhibited demo booths of my business plans at pitch events in San Francisco, taking advantage of the startup program “Global Challenge” by Fukuoka City government.